Accessibility Tools


Inclusion Lead and SENDCo: Mrs Laura Giles


At Windmill, we value the contributions of every child within our community and we are committed to tackling inequality and disadvantage. In addition to promoting equality of opportunity and equity of access to our services, we also uphold a commitment to recognising and celebrating diversity throughout the school by making sure that the differences between certain people, groups and identities are understood, valued and respected.

 All children in all classes have an equal opportunity to undertake all aspects of work in each subject and equal access to teaching and learning throughout any one school year. Through our teaching, we provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make good progress. We monitor and evaluate the progress that all our children make in order to ensure that no individuals or groups are underachieving.

 We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those with special gifts and talents, and those learning English as an additional language.  All teaching and non-teaching staff at Windmill Primary School are responsible for ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of gender, ability, ethnicity and social circumstances, have access to the whole curriculum and opportunities to make the greatest progress possible in all areas of the curriculum while in our school.

 At Windmill we know that all children benefit from ‘Quality First Teaching’: this means that every teacher expects to assess, plan and teach all children at the level which allows them to make progress. We have high expectations and expect all our children on the SEND register to make progress which compares well with the progress made by other children in school, as well as all pupils nationally. 

For advice and support, please always contact the school in the first instance.  Mrs Giles, will be happy to speak with you on the telephone or in person at a mutually convenient time.

Local Offer ( 

Windmill Primary School Accessibility Audit  

Inclusion and SEND Documents